Welcome to our resources section, Here you will find useful information and services that are free to use and available for downloading.
My Life File
Designed to be a record of all things that your executors, trustees and/or attorneys might need to be aware of when the time arrives. Whilst there are many online tools offering the same thing, we know that some of our clients prefer to have this in a hard copy that they can keep somewhere safe.
What to do when someone dies
A booklet to provide practical help at a difficult time.
What happens to social media accounts after death?
A booklet which outlines how these can be dealt with.
More useful documents will be added over time.
The following links are for use with your Lasting Power(s) of Attorney (LPAs).
They are designed to complement your LPA(s) and provide guidance for your attorneys so that they better understand your wishes/preferences. They are based on our experience of the topics and points that clients typically wish to include. They also include a box where free text can be entered, but please remember it is important to be clear with your wishes.
There is a separate form for each of your Property & Financial Lasting Power of Attorney and your Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney.
If you have already registered your LPA(s), then your Statement of Wishes can accompany it/them and it’s up to you to make sure your attorneys are aware of its existence.
If you haven’t already registered your LPA(s), then we can make reference to the Statement of Wishes within your LPA(s) so that your attorneys are aware of its existence.
You can of course update and amend your Statement of Wishes whenever you wish to.
No obligation advice and a promise
Our promise is to let you decide at your own pace and treat your family like we would our own